Wednesday 26 September 2018

Thursday 5 July 2018

Thursday 31 May 2018

Rwandan Genocide

A Genocide is an intentional action to kill or destroy a race or group like the Holocaust that happened from 1933 to 1945. On 7 April 1994, a civil war was just ending between the Tutsis and the Hutus and when there was about to be peace the president of Rwanda had his plane shot down with him in it. The Hutus blamed the Tutsis for it, so the Hutus started to kill the Tutsis with machetes to try and wipe out their race. The Genocide ended on July 1994. A way we could help stop genocide is by helping poor countries instead of letting them get more and angrier till they do a genocide. A way of helping them is by donating to them or just to help them find a way to get more money or supplies.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Mandarin And Maori Numbers

In Mandarin this week we have learnt about the patterns in Maori and mandarin number. If you can count to 100 in Chinese you know all of you 10s time tables. When you write the date in Chinese you first have to put the month in then the day. If it is the 31 you will write three ten one in Chinese characters.

Monday 16 October 2017

Art Word

Circle: A round shape and a 2D version of a sphere.  You can use it to make wheels, face, sun, moon and a clock.

Square: A shape with four right angles with four sides of the same length and it is the 2D version of a cube. You can use it to make pictures and robots.

Triangle: A shape with three equal lines that connect and a 2D version of a pyramid. You can use it to make  

Sphere: A 3D circle.

Cube: A 3D square.

Pyramid: A 3D triangle.

Image result for rap about shapes

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Snakes and ladders

In social studies I have created a snake and ladders game.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Science foot switch

In science I have made a foot switch. For those of you that don't know a foot switch is a device when stepped on sets off an alarm. I made mine out of tin foil and sponge. you put one clamp on the bottom tin foil piece then one on the top so when you stand o it the electricity flows through the tinfoil to power an alarm.