Friday, 3 June 2016

Gorilla killed At Zoo

            A four-year-old kid fell in a gorilla habitat at the zoo and was dragged around by a gorilla.
            the gorilla was shot dead to save the child.

My thoughts: They should have hade better fences at the zoo to make sure people didn't fall into the enclosers.  also, the parents should have been looking after their child instead of letting him get in there.
They only shot the gorilla because there was nothing else they could do.  they had to shoot it or the kid would have died.  they could have tried to do something else like tranquilise it but it might have taken to long. they couldn't take the risk of the kid diying so they shot it.    

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joel, I like how you included the video and also included some information about what happened in the video. Another thing that I liked is that you included what else you thought they could have done to save the child
